Book Club for Adults

Hughesville Area Public Library 146 S 5th St, Hughesville, PA, United States

Join us on March 27 from 5:30-6:30 pm for a conversation about our book of the month, The Berry Pickers by Amanda Peters. Please register online.

Poetry Slam

Hughesville Area Public Library 146 S 5th St, Hughesville, PA, United States

Show off your freestyle poetry skills! Bring your own poetry to read aloud or come watch others do their thing. Participants will get 3 minutes for their performance. This event is for individuals 13 years old or older. Registration is required. Please indicate if you plan to perform.

Event Series Preschool Craft and Storytime

Preschool Craft and Storytime

Hughesville Area Public Library 146 S 5th St, Hughesville, PA, United States

Preschool story time is a beautiful tradition that builds a nurturing love of reading with your child. It is for children 3-5 years old and their caregivers. Please note that you must register for each day you can attend. Sharing books and reading together is the best way to raise a reader. This program is […]

Event Series Wee Make Music & Storytime

Wee Make Music & Storytime

Hughesville Area Public Library 146 S 5th St, Hughesville, PA, United States

This program is filled with music, movement, and book sharing for babies and children up to 3 years old and their caregivers. It represents one of the many ways Pennsylvania Public Libraries support the PA Forward Initiative by providing civic, social, and basic literacy opportunities for learning. Registration is required for each day you will […]

Event Series Preschool Craft and Storytime

Preschool Craft and Storytime

Hughesville Area Public Library 146 S 5th St, Hughesville, PA, United States

Preschool story time is a beautiful tradition that builds a nurturing love of reading with your child. It is for children 3-5 years old and their caregivers. Please note that you must register for each day you can attend. Sharing books and reading together is the best way to raise a reader. This program is […]

Event Series Wee Make Music & Storytime

Wee Make Music & Storytime

Hughesville Area Public Library 146 S 5th St, Hughesville, PA, United States

This program is filled with music, movement, and book sharing for babies and children up to 3 years old and their caregivers. It represents one of the many ways Pennsylvania Public Libraries support the PA Forward Initiative by providing civic, social, and basic literacy opportunities for learning. Registration is required for each day you will […]

Event Series Bingo for Adults

Bingo for Adults

Hughesville Area Public Library 146 S 5th St, Hughesville, PA, United States

Join us for 10 games of Bingo, with prize money for each game and a jackpot payout for the last game. $5.00 fee will be collected at the event.  Please register online.

Event Series Preschool Craft and Storytime

Preschool Craft and Storytime

Hughesville Area Public Library 146 S 5th St, Hughesville, PA, United States

Preschool story time is a beautiful tradition that builds a nurturing love of reading with your child. It is for children 3-5 years old and their caregivers. Please note that you must register for each day you can attend. Sharing books and reading together is the best way to raise a reader. This program is […]

Event Series Wee Make Music & Storytime

Wee Make Music & Storytime

Hughesville Area Public Library 146 S 5th St, Hughesville, PA, United States

This program is filled with music, movement, and book sharing for babies and children up to 3 years old and their caregivers. It represents one of the many ways Pennsylvania Public Libraries support the PA Forward Initiative by providing civic, social, and basic literacy opportunities for learning. Registration is required for each day you will […]

Event Series Preschool Craft and Storytime

Preschool Craft and Storytime

Hughesville Area Public Library 146 S 5th St, Hughesville, PA, United States

Preschool story time is a beautiful tradition that builds a nurturing love of reading with your child. It is for children 3-5 years old and their caregivers. Please note that you must register for each day you can attend. Sharing books and reading together is the best way to raise a reader. This program is […]

Event Series Wee Make Music & Storytime

Wee Make Music & Storytime

Hughesville Area Public Library 146 S 5th St, Hughesville, PA, United States

This program is filled with music, movement, and book sharing for babies and children up to 3 years old and their caregivers. It represents one of the many ways Pennsylvania Public Libraries support the PA Forward Initiative by providing civic, social, and basic literacy opportunities for learning. Registration is required for each day you will […]